所有文章 > API产品 > 数字货币对冲策略源代码介绍及FMZ平台最新API



上一篇文章介绍了 https://www.fmz.com/bbs-topic/10459 关于交易原理和回测。这是一个基于 FMZ 平台的实用源代码。攻略通俗易懂,适合新手学习。FMZ 平台近期升级了一些 API,使其对多交易对策略更加友好。本文将详细介绍该策略的 JavaScript 源代码。尽管策略代码仅有 100 行,但它覆盖了完整策略所需的所有方面。具体的 API 可以在 API 文档中找到,非常详尽。策略的公开地址:https://www.fmz.com/strategy/456143 可以直接复制。

FMZ 平台使用

如果您不熟悉 FMZ 平台,我强烈推荐您阅读此教程: https://www.fmz.com/bbs-topic/4145 。该教程详细介绍了平台的基本功能,以及如何从头部署机器人。


以下是一个简单的策略框架。main 函数作为入口点。无限循环确保策略持续执行,并添加较短的休眠时间,以防止超过交易限制的访问频率。

function main(){
//strategy content
Sleep(Interval * 1000) //Sleep


由于各种原因,机器人可能会反复重启,如错误、参数更新、策略更新等,因此需要保存一些数据以便下次启动。以下是如何保存初始净值以计算回报的示例。_G() 函数可以存储各种数据。_G(key, value) 可以存放 value 的值,并用 _G(key) 调用它,其中 key 是一个字符串。

let init_eq = 0 //defining initial equity
if(!_G('init_eq')){ //If there is no storage, _G('init_eq') returns null.
init_eq = total_eq
_G('init_eq', total_eq) //Since there is no storage, the initial equity is the current equity and is stored here
init_eq = _G('init_eq') //If stored, read the value of the initial equity


在通过 API 获取持仓、行情等数据时,可能由于各种原因返回错误。直接调用数据可能导致策略因错误停止,因此需要一种容错机制。_C() 函数将在遇到错误时自动重试,直到返回正确的数据。或者检查返回后的数据是否可用。

let pos = _C(exchange.GetPosition, pair)

let ticker_A = exchange.GetTicker(pair_a)
let ticker_B = exchange.GetTicker(pair_b)
if(!ticker_A || !ticker_B){
continue //If the data is not available, exit the loop.

多币种兼容 API

GetPosition、GetTicker 和 GetRecords 等函数可以加上交易对参数来获取相关数据,无需设置交易所绑定的交易对,这大大提升了多交易对策略的兼容性。有关具体的升级内容,请参见文章:https://www.fmz.com/bbs-topic/10456。当然,您需要最新的 docker 来支持它。如果您的 docker 版本过旧,则需要进行升级。


  • Pair_A:需要配对进行交易的交易对 A。您需要自己选择交易对。您可以参考上一篇文章中的介绍和回测。
  • Pair_B:需要配对的交易对 B。
  • Quote:期货交易所的保证金货币,通常为 USDT。
  • Pct:加仓多少偏差,详见策略原则一文,由于手续费和滑点原因,不宜设置得太小。
  • Trade_Value: 每次偏离网格大小增加仓位的交易值。
  • Ice_Value:如果成交金额过大,您可以使用冰山佣金值开仓。通常,它可以设置为与交易值相同的值。
  • Max_Value:单一币种的最大持仓量,以避免持仓过多的风险。
  • N:用于计算均价比的参数,单位为小时,例如 100 表示 100 小时的平均值。
  • Interval:策略的每个周期之间的休眠时间。


如果您仍然不明白,您可以使用 FMZ 的 API 文档、调试工具以及市面上常用的 AI 对话工具来解决您的问题。

function GetPosition(pair){
let pos = _C(exchange.GetPosition, pair)
if(pos.length == 0){ //Returns null to indicate no position
return {amount:0, price:0, profit:0}
}else if(pos.length > 1){ //The strategy should be set to unidirectional position mode
throw 'Bidirectional positions are not supported'
}else{ //For convenience, long positions are positive and short positions are negative
return {amount:pos[0].Type == 0 ? pos[0].Amount : -pos[0].Amount, price:pos[0].Price, profit:pos[0].Profit}

function GetRatio(){
let kline_A = exchange.GetRecords(Pair_A+"_"+Quote+".swap", 60*60, N) //Hourly K-line
let kline_B = exchange.GetRecords(Pair_B+"_"+Quote+".swap", 60*60, N)
let total = 0
for(let i= Math.min(kline_A.length,kline_B.length)-1; i >= 0; i--){ //Calculate in reverse to avoid the K-line being too short.
total += kline_A[i].Close / kline_B[i].Close
return total / Math.min(kline_A.length,kline_B.length)

function GetAccount(){
let account = _C(exchange.GetAccount)
let total_eq = 0
if(exchange.GetName == 'Futures_OKCoin'){ //Since the API here is not compatible, only OKX Futures Exchange obtains the total equity currently.
total_eq = account.Info.data[0].totalEq //The equity information of other exchanges is also included. You can look for it yourself in the exchange API documentation.
total_eq = account.Balance //Temporary use of available balances on other exchanges will cause errors in calculating returns, but will not affect the use of strategies.
let init_eq = 0
init_eq = total_eq
_G('init_eq', total_eq)
init_eq = _G('init_eq')
LogProfit(total_eq - init_eq)
return total_eq

function main(){
var precision = exchange.GetMarkets() //Get the precision here
var last_get_ratio_time = Date.now()
var ratio = GetRatio()
var total_eq = GetAccount()
let start_loop_time = Date.now()
if(Date.now() - last_get_ratio_time > 10*60*1000){ //Update the average price and account information every 10 minutes
ratio = GetRatio()
total_eq = GetAccount()
last_get_ratio_time = Date.now()
let pair_a = Pair_A+"_"+Quote+".swap" //The trading pair is set as BTC_USDT.swap
let pair_b = Pair_B+"_"+Quote+".swap"
let CtVal_a = "CtVal" in precision[pair_a] ? precision[pair_a].CtVal : 1 //Some exchanges use sheets to represent quantity, such as one sheet represents 0.01 coin, so you need to convert.
let CtVal_b = "CtVal" in precision[pair_b] ? precision[pair_b].CtVal : 1 //No need to include this field
let position_A = GetPosition(pair_a)
let position_B = GetPosition(pair_b)
let ticker_A = exchange.GetTicker(pair_a)
let ticker_B = exchange.GetTicker(pair_b)
if(!ticker_A || !ticker_B){ //If the returned data is abnormal, jump out of this loop
let diff = (ticker_A.Last / ticker_B.Last - ratio) / ratio //Calculate the ratio of deviation
let aim_value = - Trade_Value * diff / Pct //Target holding position
let id_A = null
let id_B = null
//The following is the specific logic of opening a position
if( -aim_value + position_A.amount*CtVal_a*ticker_A.Last > Trade_Value && position_A.amount*CtVal_a*ticker_A.Last > -Max_Value){
id_A = exchange.CreateOrder(pair_a, "sell", ticker_A.Buy, _N(Ice_Value / (ticker_A.Buy * CtVal_a), precision[pair_a].AmountPrecision))
if( -aim_value - position_B.amount*CtVal_b*ticker_B.Last > Trade_Value && position_B.amount*CtVal_b*ticker_B.Last < Max_Value){
id_B = exchange.CreateOrder(pair_b, "buy", ticker_B.Sell, _N(Ice_Value / (ticker_B.Sell * CtVal_b), precision[pair_b].AmountPrecision))
if( aim_value - position_A.amount*CtVal_a*ticker_A.Last > Trade_Value && position_A.amount*CtVal_a*ticker_A.Last < Max_Value){
id_A = exchange.CreateOrder(pair_a, "buy", ticker_A.Sell, _N(Ice_Value / (ticker_A.Sell * CtVal_a), precision[pair_a].AmountPrecision))
if( aim_value + position_B.amount*CtVal_b*ticker_B.Last > Trade_Value && position_B.amount*CtVal_b*ticker_B.Last > -Max_Value){
id_B = exchange.CreateOrder(pair_b, "sell", ticker_B.Buy, _N(Ice_Value / (ticker_B.Buy * CtVal_b), precision[pair_b].AmountPrecision))
exchange.CancelOrder(id_A) //Cancel directly here
let table = {
type: "table",
title: "trading Information",
cols: ["initial equity", "current equity", Pair_A+"position", Pair_B+"position", Pair_A+"holding price", Pair_B+"holding price", Pair_A+"profits", Pair_B+"profits", Pair_A+"price", Pair_B+"price", "current price comparison", "average price comparison", "deviation from average price", "loop delay"],
rows: [[_N(_G('init_eq'),2), _N(total_eq,2), _N(position_A.amount*CtVal_a*ticker_A.Last, 1), _N(position_B.amount*CtVal_b*ticker_B.Last,1),
_N(position_A.price, precision[pair_a].PircePrecision), _N(position_B.price, precision[pair_b].PircePrecision),
_N(position_A.profit, 1), _N(position_B.profit, 1), ticker_A.Last, ticker_B.Last,
_N(ticker_A.Last / ticker_B.Last,6), _N(ratio, 6), _N(diff, 4), (Date.now() - start_loop_time)+"ms"
LogStatus("`" + JSON.stringify(table) + "`") //This function will display a table containing the above information on the robot page.
Sleep(Interval * 1000) //Sleep time in ms


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